House Edge of 21 3 Blackjack

Blackjack is a casino game that involves a combination of skill and luck. It is an exciting game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages and experience levels. Many casinos offer a variety of side bets, including 21 3 Blackjack, that can add an extra element of excitement to the game. However, it is important to know that these side bets come with their own house edges. This article will examine the house edge of 21 3 Blackjack, and discuss how it compares to the average house edge faced by blackjack players who use basic strategy.

What is 21 3 Blackjack?

21 3 is a side bet that allows players to win additional payouts by using their two starting cards and the dealer’s up card to form a poker hand. The game is offered at some blackjack tables, and the player can choose to make the wager in addition to their regular blackjack bet. The payouts for the poker hands vary, and some have higher odds of winning than others.

The odds of winning the Top 3 side bet depend on the type of poker hand that is formed, as well as the number of decks in the shoe. The most common poker hands are Straight and Flush. Straight hands consist of three consecutive cards in the same suit, while Flush hands contain five matching cards. If the player makes a Straight or Flush, they will receive a payout equal to their bet amount.

Generally, the higher the poker hand, the greater the payout. This is why it is so important to study poker rules and strategy before playing blackjack.

The house edge for the Top 3 side bet is a little bit higher than that of basic blackjack, but it is still far below other casino side bets. The lower right-hand entry in the table above reveals a house edge of 3.24 %, which is just a little bit higher than the 0.50 % average that is faced by blackjack players who use basic strategy.

Another advantage of the Top 3 side bet is that it pays out immediately if the poker hand is formed, which is unlike most blackjack side bets that only pay out after the player has completed their hand. This means that you can potentially earn a lot of money in a short period of time, which is a huge plus for high-volume players.

Overall, the Top 3 side bet is a fun and exciting way to add a new element of excitement to the game of blackjack. Its house edge is relatively low, and the payouts are generous. It is a great choice for those who want to add some variety to their blackjack games, but aren’t interested in taking on the risk of going over 21. Just remember that the odds of winning are based on the poker hands that are formed, and that the payouts for these hands vary depending on how rare they are.